Additional information
Zig markers colors | 000 white, 010 black, 020 red, 025 pink, 030 blue, 031, 040 green, 050 yellow, 060 brown, 070 orange, 080 violet, 101 gold, 102 silver, 110 yellow, 111 orange, 112 pink, 113 green |
₨ 395 – ₨ 445
ZIG Posterman chalk markers are effective on surfaces such as glass, plastic, metal, wood and stone. These markers are opaque, lightfast and produce a chalk look without a mess.
Zig markers colors | 000 white, 010 black, 020 red, 025 pink, 030 blue, 031, 040 green, 050 yellow, 060 brown, 070 orange, 080 violet, 101 gold, 102 silver, 110 yellow, 111 orange, 112 pink, 113 green |