Veronese Medium


This medium allows you to work touch by touch, as it avoids mixing with the colors found on the lower layers. Allows you to work quickly.

Paste medium, deriving from an ancient Italian technique, based on beeswax, which gives opacity. The accelerated setting of the mixes, the ease of overlapping and use, the rapidity of drying make it an ideal material for «first» studies or outdoor work. It is also the tool that is appropriate for large projects. The Veronese medium fills up quickly; the pastas are more nourished. It is sometimes necessary to dilute it. Liquids such as petroleum essential oil or the essence of Aspic (in the measure of a few drops per color of walnut) allow to vary the fluidity and delay the setting. This medium favors the achievement of the “fade” between 2 neighboring touches. Satin finish, in which the traces of brushes or knives fade.


Additional information

Medium & Varnish

40 ml Tube N130181.40