Jamal ul Qur’an By Pir Karam Shah, Arabic-Eng Text (Side by Side)



The Arabic lettering and English text are also very clear and distinct. There is also a detailed introduction on the origins and background at the beginning of each Surah.

It Includes:

  • Publisher’s Note [English]
  • Index of Surahs, Juz, Where Revealed and Page number
  • Preface [Translated into English from the Urdu Edition]
  • Regarding the Collection of the Qur’an,
  • The Arrangement of the Qur’an,
  • The Etiquette of the Recitation of the Qur’an

About The Author

Justice Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah was from amongst the scholars of Al-Azhar and was one of the leading academics, intellectuals and thinkers of the twentieth century. He is the founder of the educational institution of Dar al-‘Ulum al-Muhammadiyyah al-Ghawthiyyah (DMG Bhera) and the Ghawthiyyah Girls College in Pakistan which has over one hundred and fifty branches in the Indian subcontinent.

He is the author of the renowned five-volume Qur’anic exegesis Tafsir Ziya’ al-Qur’an and the seven-volume masterpiece on the life of the final Messenger Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace) Sirat Ziya’ al-Nabi. He was a justice at the Supreme Court of Pakistan from 1982 till his death in 1998. He was a follower and shaykh in the spiritual path of the Chishti tariqah. He served the faith of Islam and the Muslims in many spheres of life including academia, education, journalism, judiciary, literature, oratory and spiritual guidance.

Leading scholars and mystics of his time testified to his spirituality and revivalism. In terms of spirituality, seeking the pleasure of Allah (Most High), possessing tremendous love and devotion towards the blessed Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), concealing one’s own state and sheer steadfastness upon the Truth were amongst his great attributes. Thus, he was widely known as Diya’ al-Ummat, the luminary and light of the Islamic community.